Saturday, September 15, 2012

Delusional Ramblings of a Procrastinating Author...

I keep thinking that if I make it through just another week, then I will have more time and start to get caught up. Yep, I'm delusional. I'm never going to get caught up on life again...LOL! So let me catch you up on what all is happening with my writing.

Operation: Endgame is officially released...well, kind of. *sigh* Yesterday was my official release day (at least in my head.) I uploaded it everywhere way early (on August 30th) so that it would be available on all the sites by yesterday. Hmm, not so much. It's still pretty much only available on Amazon and Smashwords, BUT I was able to see that it's started the process at B&N and maybe in just a few more days, it will be available everywhere. Maybe.

BUT, I did start my huge Virtual Book Tour yesterday and have posts and review popping up all over the place now. I hope you will go check them out:

  • Fang-Tastic Books- has the kick-off of my tour with all the stop links for the month.

  • The Jeep Diva- has a review up with an excerpt and a post about the characters from the series.

  • The Book Vixen- has a review up of the book.

  • Sarah Nego's blog- I'm over at Sarah's blog talking about why I chose to self-pub. There's also an excerpt and a chance to win a copy of the book and editing by Sarah (she's my wonderful editor!)

  • S.J. Clarke's blog- S.J. has a post up about using Texas Tech University as the setting for the book.

I will continue to update here with links of the tour posts. Also, I will definitely let you know when it becomes available on some of those other sites. Also, I'm going to be doing a giveaway here. I just need to get all my ducks in a row so stay tuned.

Operation: Endeavor is back from my beta readers and overall the reviews of it were pretty good. Regardless of that, it's sitting now waiting for rewrites. I don't think the suspense story line is strong enough. I felt like that was the case and the feedback from the betas just reinforced that. I have pinpointed where I want to change things. I just need to dig into the manuscript and do it. The goal is to have that done by the 1st of the middle of writing Operation: Endurance. *eeks*

Operation: Endurance still sits at around 5000 words and until today was stalled. I have spent the last two weeks seriously drafting and workbooking this book to figure out where to take it. I have made so much progress on figuring it out and am *almost* ready to sit down and write. Which is good because TODAY IS THE DAY!

graphic by the talented David Beam

Today is the start of the official San Angelo Writer's Fast Draft. Three of us have pledged to do this for the next two weeks...5000/words a day. Yes, I am Fast-drafting Endurance and rewriting Endeavor at the same time. It's craziness, but if I want to keep up with my publishing schedule (and I really do want to do that) then this is what's required. BTW, Sarah is helping us keep track of our progress on her blog if there's anyone out there who wants to join us.

 So that's what's going on in my world. It's going to be crazy busy for the foreseeable future. I'll try to pop in and update you pretty regularly....AND that giveaway will be coming. As soon as I have time to get it organized...hehe!

Have a great weekend everyone!

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