Friday, June 8, 2018

Friday Five...all the summer fun with Kat.

Kid friendly (and healthy) cookies for breakfast...
^^^This is our new summer snack.^^^

2 ripe bananas (smooshed)
1 cup of uncooked oatmeal
2Tbsps of mini choc chips.

Cook @ 350* for 15-20 minutes.

A yummy healthy snack...or cookies for breakfast.

Kat loves them and even better, she can make them by herself. 

I finished the first book in a new upcoming sports series last week, so this week is ALL about the plotting. 

But I'm not plotting one book. 
I'm plotting three. 
I know...but it's so much fun. 

Below, is a glimpse of one of the books...yes, it's a young adult.
Firefly Magic.
I've promised Kat for a couple of years that I'd write a book that she could read.
This summer, I'm determined to do that.

(and I have to admit, I'm loving this story so far)

Mande is the heroine...a 15 yo whose life has been uprooted for the summer when she has to go live with the grandparents she doesn't know at the campground they own in central Texas.
I'm also plotting longhand...something that I'm loving.

For this book, my main plotting is being done in that gorgeous gold and turquoise journal, but one thing I've learned to love through my bullet journals are an index to find things. 

Since this book doesn't have an index and by the time I realized I wanted one, I'd already filled the first page, I decided to create a bookmark that also serves as the index.

And Speaking of Kat...
Last week we posted our first joint book review of the summer. 

We've started off the summer on a Jenn Bennett kick. OMG, I love these books. We've read Alex, Approximately (review posted today....HERE) and Starry Eyes so far and they both were AMAZING! We're having so much fun reading books and chatting about them.

You can find our first review for Starry Eyes... HERE.

Guarded Desire...
Want another sneak peek into Guarded Desire?

NM Protectors #1
(m/f, new adult, romantic suspense)
release date June 21, 2018

Guarded Desire Story Blurb

Kidnapped and terrorized, I refuse to let anyone break me. I can stand on my own, no matter what it costs...even if that cost is my life.

I was living the life of an ordinary college coed, but that existence was blown wide open when I was kidnapped while visiting my very famous mother, rock-star, ViviAnna.

Now I’m back at college, pretending life is normal while dodging paparazzi and dealing with my face showing up regularly on the nightly news. Trying to find a new balance isn’t happening and the effort to not jump at every shadow or bump in the night is messing with my head more than I ever expected. 

I’m a highly trained bodyguard, but that doesn’t mean I want to deal with some spoiled pop princess’s daughter, especially if she’s anything like her handsy mother.

But when I met Elle, she shocked the hell out of me. She’s nice and thoughtful with an incredible inner strength. Even more surprising...she doesn’t want me anywhere near her. But every once in a while I see a flash of fear and vulnerability that make all my protective instincts flare.

I have to protect her.

Because they never caught her kidnapper...

Note: This book is the first in a series of stand-alone, romantic suspense, new adult novels involving sexy bodyguards and the coeds they protect.

Add to Goodreads
Preorder link
(not available on Amazon until release day)

Entertaining us this week...

Kat and I spent a whole afternoon one day this week watching these Unexpected Musicals...they are fabulously fun! These were our favorites.

I hope you're having a great summer so far.

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