Sunday, February 9, 2025

Do you even remember who I am?


The last time I posted on this blog was October 28, 2021...3+ years ago. I didn't mean to walk away, but I was facing serious burnout alongside stressful real-life situations which made focusing on my writing career impossible.

The biggest impetus to all that was my husband had a terminal illness that ended in January, 2023. After 32 years together and 30 years of marriage, it's taken a while to find my footing while missing my other half.

I'm now a single mom of a high school senior. I've adopted two more cats making our total now five!?! And I sold the house we lived in for the last thirteen years to move to a smaller one that's more manageable for me. I took a metal building located in my backyard and converted it into my office. And I've discovered a love for playing in my yard...who knew?

Through all this, life has changed pretty drastically for me, but what hasn't changed is my love for books. Throughout this whole time, I've been writing. It hasn't been as regular as it used to be because I'm trying to be kind to myself and remain wary of that burnout. 

But I'm slowly coming back to my author self and thought it was time to revive this blog, since I plan to release books this year. Yes, you heard that...books as in plural.

The good news is... I have 14 stories written that are just waiting on editing and revisions. 

The better news is...I have at least that many more in partial draft form. 

The ideas haven't dried up.

But I'll admit jumping back in with both feet feels scary and daunting. I'm constantly waffling about how to do it, what I should publish, or if anyone even cares anymore.

But books are my passion and I want more of my own out there in the world.

So, keep watching my socials because there's more to come... 

(hint: I'm on instagram the most)
