Long time, no blog. Sorry!!! Life has been crazy around here lately and I just never can seem to find time to get on here. But the next two weeks, my plan is to play catch-up and do a whole lot less writing on my books and more things like prepping blog posts, cleaning my house, spending time with my kids, etc...
So what all has happened since the last time I posted on here???
10. Operation: Endgame was released in paperback.
Wait, What?!? I know, I was just surprised as you. Hehe! I'm still learning this process and didn't realize that when I approved my proof of the book, then BAM...it's out! Live and learn, but there is a special significance to how it got released. The actual release date is shown as June 20, 2012 which just happens to be my 20th anniversary with dh. I decided to follow my dream after following dh and his dreams in the AirForce for 20 years. It just seems "right" that our 20th anniversary is my release date. Serendipity!

The good news is that both Barnes and Noble and Amazon have it on sale at a fabulous price. The book retails for $11.99, but they both have it on sale for $8.63. I have NO IDEA how long that price will be good. I will still be releasing the e-books, but that release date is staying as September 14th.
9. I finished Operation: Endeavor!!!

At least the first draft of it. Now I'm gonna leave it alone and let it simmer for a couple of weeks and then I will get to editing on it. I really adore Penelope and Colton and I feel like it's a strong novel, but I already know the edits it needs are extensive. I'm hoping to have a copy of it out to my beta readers by the first of August.
8. I won with CampNaNoWriMo!

Which just means I wrote 50,000 words for the month. I love NaNo months. On days where I would walk away from the computer, I stick with it and get so much more done. I really need a NaNo event about every other month. Just think about the writing I could get done. By the way, this was my second time doing NaNo. The first one, I started Endgame. This one, I finished Endeavor.
They're doing another one in August. I'm not sure what I am working on yet. Endurance is going to be a tough novel and I need to do some research in prep for it. Just not sure if I'll be ready to dive into it yet. One of those things I'm concentrating on the next couple of weeks.
7. 20th Anniversary getaway.When Jacob was born (he's 17 now) we lived in a little mountain community called Cloudcroft, NM. We loved it there and it's a pretty close drive from my parents house, so we dropped the kids off and headed to the mountains of NM. We stayed at the Lodge Pavilion (that's our room on the left...yes, I adored that fireplace.) We had a fabulous three days away...hiking and exploring. Someday we plan to have a little cabin up there to retreat to.

6. hmmm, yes firefighters!While we were in Cloudcroft, there was a huge fire raging in Ruidoso (actually one of our favorite camping and hiking areas we love there was wiped out.) We were out to dinner our last night there and after a day of much-needed rain, in walked about 25-30 wildland firefighters. My writer's brain has been going ever since. They NEED a good romance story, don' t you think...
5. My latest Best Read...Deliver the Moon by Rebecca J. Clark. I loved this book about a divorced couple finding their way back to each other. It was very emotional and just beautifully written. You can see my review of it

4. Introducing The Martins and the Rocking M ranch...
I had a surprise in writing Operation: Endeavor. I discovered a new series waiting to be written. ;o) I had no idea. The Rocking M ranch is 35 miles east of Lubbock, TX...just as the caprock drops off. There are four boys who run the ranch with their father Michael: 1. Andrew (age 36 yo) who is a Texas Ranger, 2. Scott (age 32 yo) who is a volunteer paramedic and firefighter, 3. Thomas (age 28 yo) who dated Penelope for about 6 weeks, 4. Matthew (the baby of the family at 25 yo)
I don't have character pictures of all of them yet, but meet Thomas...
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3. What do you do when you've been married for 20 years???
You join Weight Watchers together. Hehe. To be fair, I'm a lifetime member (lost 40 lbs. 10 years ago) and besides my Skittles while I'm writing addiction, pretty much stay on track. But dh hasn't done so well since leaving the Air Force. He's doing awesome in the program so far (has already lost almost 10 lbs)...

2. So true....

1. EyeCandy!!!!
You have to love a man in the kitchen....
(photo removed)
Have a great week everyone!!!