Good morning everyone! Overall the writing is going well on Operation: Endeavor.
There was lots of smexy fun happening in Colton and Penelope's world this week and it was awfully fun to write. ;o)

As far as
Operation: Endgame goes, this week, I got it completely formatted for printing. I'm just waiting for the final cover graphic from my designer and then I will order the print form of the book. This is such an exciting process for me right now. It probably will lose it's shine about the 4th
or 5th book doing this, but for right now I'm loving it. Within a couple weeks, I should be actually holding my book in my hand!!!
Now let's get to this week's Top Ten list!
10. My favorite read of the week...The Hostage Bargain by Annika Martin. This is an erotica book and from the description I was expecting lots of silly, sexy fun. There was that, but also so much more depth to these characters and story than I expected. It was really a fabulous read and I can't wait for the next in the series. You can see my review of it HERE.

9. Thirty-One bags and gifts- Have you ever been to a Thirty-One party?? Omg, they have the cutest bags and things. My friend Amy just became a consultant and she was talking about the Fold-and-Go organizer would hold a Kindle. I may or may not have had to order one or two of these. What? You have to have a couple of styles depending on your style mood for the day.

8. Nails- I'll tell you a secret...I bite my nails. I'm not as bad as I used to be, but yeah, they usually look pretty crappy. Saturday, I was scheduled to do a photo shoot for some author photos, so I decided spur of the moment to go get my nails done on Friday. I haven't done this since I got married 20 years ago (it actually even cost the same amt. as it did 20 years ago which I was astounded by!)... (and yes, I was wearing my really ratty ragged jeans that day...I told you, it was a spur of the moment thing) It's been interesting to learn to type with these babies....and texting...OMG, impossible!

7. The Photo Shoot- Tommie Huffman was my photographer and OMG, she was awesome! She had a couple of makeup and hair artists come in and "do" me beforehand. I've only seen a few of the shots and am already so happy with the results. (And no I don't look this good in real life....see ratty jeans in photo above, so don't act too shocked when you meet me in real life, okay?? hehe)

6. Kat in my lashes- When I got home, Kat had a fun time playing with my lashes.

5. I have a confession to make. I cannot write anymore without eating candy. By the time this book is done, I'm gonna weigh 300 lbs. I must wean myself off this habit. DH suggested I munch on celery instead, but I just can't see that working for me especially since I HATE celery. Have any suggestion??

4. My favorite Pinterest pin this week. I think I need to write about a heroine who rides this Vespa. Isn't it cute?? Maybe a story set in France... although a girl riding this in Texas could be interesting too. She'd have to be quirky.

3. Books that caught my eye-- I saw a review of this book this week and am intrigued. Where There's Smoke by Karen Kelley. A demon kicked out of hell and ends up in Ft. Worth- how can it not be good?? hehe!

2. Smexy fun- I did mention that Operation: Endeavor got all kinds of smexy this week. Yeah, this book is considerably hotter than book #1 was. It wasn't planned that way, but there's just no controlling Penelope and Colton's really combustible chemistry. Here's a little hint or two....
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1. Sigh- Yeah, we can't have a post without some of this happiness going on...
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Have a great week everyone!!!