I've chosen a new word a year for the last several years. Ironically, BREATHE was my word for 2020. Who knew I would need that reminder so much? Dang, this has been a year already, hasn't it? We're all doing everything we can to get through it, but if you're like me, you're probably still more than a little stressed. So, this is your reminder from me...JUST BREATHE. Relax. Nothing was ever solved by constant worry. In fact, that shit (worrying all the time) will just make everything worse. So, I'm here to remind of a few ways to find your inner Zen, peace, or to just remind you to chill and relax.
- Breathe...take a few minutes, close your eyes, and take some deep breaths. It helps to just allow yourself to "be" stress.
- Meditate...This is something I've been doing for a few months now. Taking ten to fifteen minutes at the beginning or end of the day to relax does wonders for your mental health. (Note: I use the Calm app and love it.)
- Listen to of the most relaxing, energizing things in this world is the sound of birds in the morning. Open your windows for a few moments and enjoy nature's gorgeous symphony (this also works at night with the night bugs, or taking a walk to where you can listen to the sound of rushing water...all good things OR there is a soundscapes section on the Calm app that has an amazing choice for different sounds)
- Escape into Music...there's a reason that spas choose the music that they do. It helps to relax you. Find something you can play in the background of your life (replace the sound of news in the background) that helps you feel soothed and relaxed (most the music streaming services have a spa just have to find it...or something like that that makes you feel better).
- Create a Safe is huge for a relaxed state. Turn off your bright overhead lights. Light your candles, put a fire in the fireplace, pull out your Christmas twinkle lights, create a softer, more relaxed ambience.
- Escape (obviously, my choice) or binge watch something light and fun. Even my husband who prefers to live with the news on came home the other day and put on a romantic comedy movie for us to watch (Mr. Right for those was cute even with its dark twist). Everyone hits their limit. Escape to keep your mental stability in place.
- coloring books are a thing for a reason. It's fun to color. It's a mindless activity that you can do while listening to an audiobook. Personally, I escape into art by watercoloring stamped images. Other ideas are creating Zentangles (look it up if you don't know what they are)...all you need is a pen and paper. Easy, relaxing, fun.
- Write a Letter...we're all staying home more these days. Think about everyone else out there in the same boat, and send them a letter. This is a fun thing to do with your kids, too. Find penpals. Get the mailing address to your local retirement home. We can connect even while staying home and what's better than this old-style method of keeping touch without actual touch.
- Shut Down the Stress...This is important...***turn off the news and social media***. It doesn't have to be permanent. Choose an hour a day and unplug. It doesn't take much, but will be huge for how you feel.
and now for all the Found Series news... |
The last year hasn't been the best for my writing and me (there's a reason that BREATHE was my word of choice for 2020). As a result, book #4 in this series, FOUND AT THE ROCK CONCERT is coming out more than a year later than I'd planned. But I'm so happy with where this book is now. I hope you'll agree that it was worth the wait. But because it's been so long between the release of this book and the other 3 in the series, I'm changing things up in the release for this one. Plus I'd love for you to catch up with any books in the series you may have missed.
FYI: Found at the Library (#1) is m/m. Found at the Bookstore (#2) is m/m. Found at the Jazz Club (#3) is m/f. Found at the Rock Concert (#4) is m/m/m.
All four books can be read as standalones since they all feature their own individual couplings...BUT the same core group of characters flow from one book to another AND books 3 and 4 have overlapping scenes.
Warning...this is going to sound complicated, but I"ll try to break it down simply.
From now until March 29th: Books 1-3 will be on sale for $.99 each at all retailers.
March 30th: ALL 4 books will be coming down from the other retailers so that I can put the whole series into Kindle Unlimited.
Sometime in mid-April: (depending on how long it takes the books to come down at the other retailers) ALL 4 books will only be available through Kindle Unlimited and will be back at normal retail prices.
Found at the Rock Concert
TODAY! (which coincidentally is the International Day of Happiness... It's fitting, right?) |
A wounded rock star, a bodyguard, and a CEO get trapped in a snowed-in cabin...
It sounds like the beginning of a joke, but it’s not. This is the start of an epic love story between three men. Three men who have a history twined together with encounters and impressions that have marked their years.
They just never realized how all those brief encounters would eventually change their lives forever.
Daniel, the rock star who survived a plane crash and is trying to figure out how to live his life without legs.
Luke, the bodyguard who made so many mistakes and now thinks he doesn’t deserve the man he’s loved for years.
Austin, the CEO who thinks he’s on the outside pulling the strings, but what he doesn’t realize is without him at the core, this relationship will never work...for any of them.
Three men, one snowy winter cabin, one epic love story waiting to be discovered... |