Wednesday, October 2, 2019

Explaining how these new books tie together...

I'm hoping everyone saw the announcement last month about my upcoming release, Amorous in Appleton. If you missed it, you can find the details post.

But I thought it would be a good idea to explain this all new series.

The overarching series is a Ticket to True Love and will be written by a multitude of very talented authors. While the series thread remains the same, each book has its own stand-alone couple and you skip around through the series as much as you want...although we're hoping you all will want to read them all.

Because at the heart of this series is the magic of love.

There's a legendary natural spring fountain in a small town in Pennsylvania called True Springs. The legend says that if you sip the spring water, then you'll open your heart to find your true love. It's based on a couple who were separated during WWII...the location of the fountain just happened to be the bus stop and a bus ticket brought them finally together. The legend of the fountain grew from that, and the town has learned to capitalize on it. 

Now, people from all over the world have sipped from the legendary there is a spigot on the fountain that enables people to be able to take the water with them as they leave. They use those valuable drops and add them to recipes for friends and family who need love in their lives.

But...what no one knows is that there's another very important element to ignite the magic...
the Ticket.

You can find the first five books in the series available for preorder...

The first book, Practically Persuaded in Pittsburgh, is available next week and all five of the initial release will be out within the next 7 weeks.

But when it comes to my books, I actually have a series within the series. 

My Locating Love trilogy is about three there will be three separate love stories featuring each cousin, although you will see glimpses of all the cousins throughout all three books.

The three cousins are...

1. Delaney...(Amorous in Appleton) 
who just also happens to be a world famous pop princess in desperate need for an escape from the ever intrusive paparazzi before she has a nervous breakdown.

2. Ari...(Falling Hard in Frisco
who is living by herself, having just transplanted to Texas, for the first time in her 30 years of life. She and her twin, Mal, have always relied on one another for support.

3. Mal... (Quickly Falling in Qatar
who has found himself investigating a lieutenant's disappearance in the middle of a foreign country and having to work way too close with his first love who dumped him in college.

The three cousins are extremely close just because of how they grew up in Philadelphia. 

While the twins are 5 years older than Delaney, their mother got pregnant via artificial insemination. She felt that motherhood was something she *should* do to be a fulfilled human, but was never really a true mother to them. She's one of the premier oncological surgeons/experts in the country and her patients always take priority over her two children. As a result, Mal and Ari were raised by a series of nannies and their Aunt and Uncle (Delaney's parents).

Being five years younger, Delaney always worshipped the twins as her favorite people in the world. But at the age of fifteen, she was ripped out of her family when she was discovered by a talent manager. Her parents tried, but they didn't really realize what they were signing her up for when they agreed to let her into the world of music. 

But regardless of all that, the three are still extremely close. Delaney discovers the fountain water first and then she tells Ari and Mal about it after (spoiler alert) she falls madly in love. They go north in Pennsylvania on their 30th birthday to sample the water (Ari has hope, Mal is just placating her because he's hungover).

And that's how all the books tie together. 

These books are fun and romantic and I hope you love them as much as I do.

Here's the release schedule:
October 22...Amorous in Appleton
January 28...Falling Hard in Frisco
(preorder available soon)
June 9....Quickly Falling in Qatar

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